• about 1 heaping tbl chopped bacon (optional)
  • 2 shallots finely minced
  • 1 clove of garlic minced
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 tbl of butter
  • 4 ears of corn, just the kernels (slice with a knife)
  • 1 lime (juice and zest)
  • 3/4 cup cream
  • a tbl of cilantro

when most people go on vacation they bring mindless reading, books that you don’t have to think about, just something to entertain you, but not me. i read cookbooks :-)

the past week we have been at my uncles’ house (i have talked about him/them before). not only is he and his partner the best hostess’ but the best cooks. we always cook together (although this time around we did not) and talk food. they live in a little community surrounded by farms. yes, i said farms (and beach). everywhere you go there are farm stands. every street has at least one little house selling anything from fresh tomatoes to flowers. it’s one of my most favorite places to go.

i’ve been going to see my uncles since i was a little girl. when you’re little you don’t appreciate all the local fare. every tomato you bite into was grown down the block and every ear of corn you eat…most likely grown next door. so when i spotted thomas keller’s ad hoc on my uncles’ coffee table i grabbed it. it was my vacation reading. i have a few of his other cookbooks (french laundry being one of them), but this one is more family oriented. stuff you would cook every day.

i found this recipe for a summer creamed corn and was immediately smitten. it was not the most traditional of recipes i have seen for creamed corn, but seriously, when have i been known to cook anything traditional? so before we came home i picked up corn.

so here i go…farmers market (insert huge smile here) i stopped in today because i needed some stuff :-) of course i went to see my favorite vendor and there laying on the table was the thickest cut bacon i ever saw. tara, now one of my favorite people, saw my face and knew i had to have it (it was the last of the bacon!). so there i had it, bacon, grabbed some shallots and garlic, i was set.

check this recipe out and make it, i promise you not only will it remind you of summer, but the taste is out of this world. oh, yeah, and if you’re on a diet, do not even bother looking at the ingredients :-)

summer creamed corn     adapted from ad hoc, by thomas keller
to prep: 
  • cube or slice your bacon and set aside.
  • zest about 1/4 to 1/2 of your lime, slice open and juice the whole lime in a different bowl. set both aside separately.
  • mince and chop onion, garlic and chili.
  • clean and with a knife cut the corn off the cobb.
  1. in a skillet add butter and bacon, saute for 3-4 minutes.
  2. to the pan add shallot, garlic and chili pepper. saute for another 3-4 minutes
  3. add corn and lime juice, at this point, at a simmer, let the lime juice and the corn cook together, the corn really takes in all that lime juice (it’s an amazing flavor), for about 5 minutes.
  4. at this point add cream and zest to skillet, mix. the cream will thicken up as it cooks.
  5. simmer on the stove top for about 5-10 minutes.
  6. add cilantro, mix.

just a side note: you can make this vegetarian by skipping the bacon. just add the butter to the skillet and melt, add your onion, garlic and chili.

taste, season, eat and enjoy. serve this as a side to a steak with salad. j told me i make the best corn ever…in this world, that’s quite a compliment coming from a little food snob (wink wink).

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