• 3 tbl canola oil
  • 4 garlic cloves sliced
  • 1 chili pepper minced (optional)
  • 2 handfuls of chopped or whole leaf spinach
  • a handful of tomatoes halved
  • pinch of salt

it’s that time of year. you know, when your tomatoes are ripening and the farmers market has everything you would need to create that perfect summer meal.

we tend to eat seasonal. during the summer months, almost every meal has an ingredient from our garden or the market.

when we make weekend trips, we always go “picking”. every wednesday, we go to the market. every night, i go in my garden. i water, i dream, i think about every ingredient and what i can do with it.

most nights during the summer are repeats. i won’t lie. i don’t cook something different every night. i stick with whats fresh. spinach, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, mushrooms and lots of garlic. i love the idea of throwing it all in a skillet, a bowl, or on my plate.

salads, pasta, fish, fresh meats. i just love all of it, but  my favorites is the simplest dinners, the ones with fresh vegetables. the ones with pasta. the ones that take a few minutes to make.

going to the market tomorrow? heading to your garden? take a look below, simple, fresh, good, a farmers market pasta you just can’t live with out.

summer market pasta

  1. to a skillet add 3 tbl oil (i use canola). heat it up and add garlic and chili pepper, wait one minute, turn off the heat.
  2. add spinach and tomatoes, a pinch of salt, mix. walk away for a minute or two while the spinach wilts and the tomatoes becomes sweeter and soft.
  3. toss with pasta, top with cheese, enjoy.

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