i posted the following story last year at this time. i just wanted to take a step back this morning and remember…

september 11, 2001…

i remember the alarm going off. i looked out the window and noticed what a beautiful day it was. the sun was shining, it was the perfect ny morning. i went back to sleep.

i woke up a little later than i was supposed to that day (snooze button). i took my time getting ready for work. i used to watch ny1 every morning, i lived off the G line, my train almost never ran. a small helicopter had just crashed into one of the world trade center buildings. it was an accident. a helicopter lost control. weird i thought, but my train was running so i left.

with a cup of coffee in hand i walked out of my door and looked down the street. i lived in brooklyn at the time, i had a direct view from my front stoop. i always commented on how it was like i could reach my hand across the river and touch the trade center towers, it was a special place to live. i noticed the smoke and then my neighbor walked out of his building. we looked at each other and shrugged. we both continued to walk down the block to the subway in silence. there was a police officer stationed at the entrance, we were told to go home. there was a lot of confusion that morning, i remember everyone asking what was going on? it was just an accident he said, he really had no idea. he was in shock too, i remember his face…

at that time no one in midtown really new what was going on. when i called into work my boss had no idea. she went to go turn on the radio in my office. as i continued down the street and turned down my block i saw the 2nd plane fly into the building/the explosion. all i heard was screaming. i ran down my block and up the stairs to my apartment. i turned the tv on.

it wasn’t an accident…

i sat there in shock. my phone rang and it was my brother, he lived in dc at the time. he asked me if i was ok, and where i was and then said parts of dc were being evacuated. his classes were canceled and he was on his way back to his apt. we hung up and i tried to call my mom. no answer…i called my grandparents who live uptown…no answer. i cried.

after what seemed like hours i finally reached my mom. she was in midtown and saw the whole thing out of an office window. she ran up to my grandparents apartment.

a plane went down in dc, it hit the pentagon…

and then the south tower fell…

flight 93 went down…

and then i watched the 2nd tower fall…

i was alone. my neighbor rang my bell and told me to come outside. all i saw when i walked out my door was a huge dust cloud covering lower manhattan. we were all away from our families and all came together. it was the comfort i needed, from strangers i nod to every morning only because i was trying to be friendly.

i will never forget that day. the sadness, the tears, not being able to do anything.

i had nightmares for years. every time a plane goes over head i still watch to see where it’s going.

nyc was different. it wasn’t cold anymore, everyone was helping each other and lending a hand. it wasn’t the same city i grew up in.

not only is september 11th the day the world changed,  it’s also my grandparents anniversary and the day of a good friends birthday. it’s a day i will never forget. it’s a day that will always be with me.




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