• tops of 10 asparagus (save the bottoms for pesto)
  • 1 shallot
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • a handful of mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup marsala wine
  • 1/4 cup stock (chicken or veg)
  • 1/2 cup creme fraiche
  • about a 1/2 cup of pasta water
  • some fresh parsley and oregano

by the time friday rolls around i tend to get lazy, it’s actually however the day i become more creative because i am to tired to pay attention to what i am doing.

since i have started keeping track of what i am cooking it has turned more into a science rather then what i intended which was the art. i get so wrapped up in writing down what i am putting in everything i forget to have fun.

when i first got started i was thinking grilled on top of couscous, nothing special, just simple with some olive oil and herbs. but then i saw creme freche…and then mushrooms. i was stuck, do i go for the creme fraiche or stick to simple and run and start the grill? i decided to get creative.

this is what happens when i just cook and stop thinking about what is what and how much of something did i put in.

penne with mushrooms and asparagus

  1. get a pot of water on the stove top and bring to a boil, cook pasta.
  2. in a skillet, heat up some olive oil and add shallots, garlic and mushrooms. saute for about 5 minutes and then add asparagus. saute for another 2 minutes and add marsala. cook down till it all evaporates. add stock and creme fraiche, mix together.
  3. my mushrooms and asparagus were ready before the pasta. i turned down the flame to a very low simmer and when the pasta was ready brought the flame back up again.
  4. add pasta when done to the skillet with some extra pasta water. mix and let it cook and come together for about a minute.
  5. season with salt and pepper, mix, add herbs and enjoy.

this is a really simple dish that takes minutes to make.


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