there is no other good way to say this, sometimes you just need to get dinner on the table and fast. whether you're working late or the kids have soccer, a playdate or basketball, it's good to know you can have dinner ready in 15 minutes that everyone will enjoy.
one of our favorite go to meals when things get chaotic, pasta. if given the choice my kids (me too) can eat pasta every night. whether covered in tomato sauce or tossed with veggies, it's one of our favorite meals.
when the days seem long we all need some comfort, this is a great, simple and quick meal to enjoy as a family or alone on the couch watching dvr :-)
spaghetti with warm ricotta cheese
- 3/4 pound of spaghetti
- 2 cloves garlic chopped
- 1 chili pepper or a pinch of red pepper flakes
- 1 cup ricotta cheese
- a handful of basil and parsley
- 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
- 1/2 cup pasta water
this whole meal takes about 15 minutes to make. it's a simple meal that not only tastes good but is also kid friendly and adult friendly. feel free to leave out the chili pepper or just add at the end into your separate bowls.
bring a pot of water to a boil and cook pasta.
meanwhile in a skillet, saute garlic and chili pepper in a tbl of olive oil for about 2 minutes. you don't want the garlic to burn, you just want it to turn a very mild golden color.
add ricotta cheese to skillet and bring temp down to a low simmer. add half the basil and parsley and mix.
when pasta is done, scoop cooked pasta directly into skillet. add parmesan cheese and mix. add pasta water as needed to loosen up sauce.
toss with reserved herbs, taste, season with salt if you prefer and serve.

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