• 1 1/2 tbl miso (i used red) or soy sauce
  • 1 tbl honey
  • 1 tbl rice vinegar
  • 1 tbl hot water
  • 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 2 tbl sesame oil
  • 3 sliced green onions (scallions)
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • handful or cilantro
  • 1 cucumber
  • udon noodles (you could use spaghetti or angel hair)
  • grilled steak

last week i was completely obsessed with getting my garden together (post tk). i built raised beds, had compost delivered, built a fence and finally, planted all my seedlings. cooking was honestly the last thing on my mind. this week, i could not wait to get back into the kitchen.

this weekend i got my hands on a lot of great recipes. this being one of them. my friend told me about this miso cucumber salad that she makes and how great it is. i was intrigued. mostly because i have miso paste in my house that is going to waste. i loved the idea of another cucumber salad, all my life i have been eating the same vinegar with onions, a change is nice.sunday afternoon we made the miso salad, and with the left over dressing, we marinated steak. let me tell you, i could totally skip out on the cucumber salad, even though good, it made the best marinade. we ended up eating out for dinner, and i knew monday night would be a bust because e and i had a meeting and dinner was going to be leftovers. while in school with p i started day dreaming about the steak and how maybe throwing the cucumbers together with some udon would actually make it a little bit more interesting.p and i bbq’d the steak and threw together a quick udon salad. we both gobbled up lunch, she asked for 2nds.

miso cucumber-udon salad with grilled steak adapted from cooking light magazine

to prep: cook your noodles and cut, chop and slice your cilantro, cucumber and pepper, add to a bowl. get your steak ready and put in a ziplock bag.

  1. in a measuring cup or bowl, whisk the miso, honey, oil, vinegar, hot water, and red pepper flakes. pour 3/4 over your cucumber, pepper and udon and mix, cover and refrigerate.
  2. take the other 1/4 and pour over your steak. zip up your baggie and smush the marinade around to coat all of the steak. let the steak marinate for at least an hour.
  3. when you are ready, throw the steak on the bbq and cook to your liking. plate your udon and place sliced meat over with some chopped cilantro.

this was quite a lunch. pretty much filled me up till i ate it again for dinner :-)


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