finally i am sitting down to write, to share, to hopefully make you smile.

for those of you who follow me on FB know i’ve been sick. nothing bad, i promise, but i haven’t had the energy or been in the mind frame to sit and enjoy/write. i’ve been lethargic, i’ve been crabby and not hungry. there’s been phlegm, theres been coughing and theres been utter exhaustion. tmi?

as i sit here gorging myself with granola and almond milk i can honestly say i am starting to feel better, happier, more energetic (and finally hungry!). as it’s only been a couple of days, but already my new dairy free life has been interesting. i have had a lot of questions…for a dairy eater who’s never had to think about it i was clueless, but you helped and i am so thankful!

i tested, i cornered people in the store and i made some phone calls. i found a specialist to look into some possible food sensitivities and already i feel brighter, happier and ready to start my day. i’m excited to cook, to eat, to share.

below is one of our favorite meals, a simple and delicious roasted chicken cooked with our favorite fall vegetables. an all in one pan dinner. it’s guaranteed to put smiles on your face and in times of need, fill your tummy with warm flavors and love. and then save the carcass cause it’s gonna make some awesome stock.

i end here with a recipe, with a smile, with a fully belly…

simple roasted chicken with fall vegetables

  • 1 chicken
  • 2 tbl canola oil
  • 1/4 cup sherry
  • 3 sweet potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 4 pieces of good bread cubes
  • 1 celeriac cubed
  • 1 cup of chicken stock
  1. using a large cast iron skillet or a large sauté pan that can go in the oven, saute all the veg in 1 tbl canola oil for about 2-3 min.
  2. meanwhile clean your chicken and with your hands massage it with 1 tbl oil and a couple pinches of salt and pepper.
  3. add the sherry to the pan and cook for one minute. add cubed bread to the pan and carefully place your bird on top. add stock around the outside of the pan.
  4. roast at 400 for 45 minutes or until chicken is golden brown and cooked.

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