my son entered an “anything apple” contest at our local farmers market a week back.

it was his first cooking contest. his first time cooking by “himself”. his first time where he could actually say “i made this”. and he was proud.

of course i helped, i chopped apples and when the food mill got tough i cranked that baby till he told me to stop.

i watched his eyes light up when he took that first spoonful. when he said “ma, this tastes like real apple sauce, but better”.

i sat and smiled. i laughed with him, i lit up when i saw his eyes brighten and when he pointed to his jars sitting on that table pronouncing “that is mine, i made that”.

he didn’t win, but he didn’t care. when that judged walked up to him and said “jack, that was the most amazing apple sauce, was there real maple syrup in it?” he smiled big and said “yes, and i did it myself”.

jack’s maple cinnamon apple sauce. his first creation. his first time playing with ingredients.

pictures and words by his proud mom.

maple and cinnamon apple sauce

  • 20 (on the small side) apples sliced (you can leave skin on)
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  1. place all ingredients in a large stock pot and cook on a medium flame till apples are soft an falling apart.
  2. pass the apple mixture through a food mill (which will get rid of all the skins and seeds).
  3. store in a jar for a week (but it won’t last that long.

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