a couple days ago the kids and i went up to dia beacon.

being an artist most of my life my one wish was that my kids would appreciate a good museum. take in the colors, lights, sculptures and paintings. walk around and explore, laugh, look in awe of different artists i grew up reading about, exploring and studying.

when we walked in i felt their excitement. their faces lit up. they walked from exhibit to exhibit asking questions, looking, staring.

there was of course moments of laughter, misbehaving and over excitement. especially when they realized they could enter one of the exhibits and run inside (they weren’t supposed to run but how could you not, i wanted to).

then there was the friend we went with who asked such great questions…how does this wall make you feel? turn around, which one makes you feel better? can you see the patterns? what do you think the artist was trying to tell us? how do the lights make you feel…

and then the last exhibit sent my 4 year old into a fit of laughter and i knew it was time to leave.

we all left feeling inspired, feeling happy, feeling fulfilled.

and then we ate lunch.

we sat and talked about the artists we saw, how certain parts of the museum made us feel, how the giant light up penis at the end made us all giggle.

and then i was told to make the soup we had for lunch when we got home. so i did.

parsnip and pear soup

  • 1 tbl butter
  • 1 tbl oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 parsnips chopped
  • 3 pears chopped
  • 4 cups vegetable stock
  • bundle of parsley and dill
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. in a large soup pot melt butter with canola oil. sauté garlic, parsnip and pears for about 5 minutes.
  2. add stock and mix.
  3. tie together a couple sprigs of parsley and dill, place on top. bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes or until the parsnip becomes soft.
  4. take out the herbs and then with an immersion blender, blend soup.
  5. season with salt and pepper.
  6. serve and enjoy.

want to see what we saw? here is a quick video we took at diabeacon (<—- click that link).


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