a couple weeks back i came across a salad recipe that called for garlic confit (i can’t find the link but below is a good example).
seriously. new york times you’re killing me.
i just want to spoon confit in my mouth. is that so wrong?
just think of all the great things you can do with it. i mean…seriously. hash browns…pasta. pizza? fries?
it’s become a favorite. an absolute favorite. it sits on my counter and we stare at it. smell it. stick spoons in it and day dream.
it’s like sweet garlic heaven. a spoonful of magic. a day in the park. a swim in the ocean (if you like the ocean).
we have garlic problems. lot’s of garlic problems…it could be worse.
simple garlic confit adapted from the new york times dining section
note: that is not the original link posted, i can’t seem to find it, but a good example and pretty much the same idea as the original post i had found)
- 2 small bulbs of garlic
- 1 cup of olive oil
- separate cloves from bulb and pierce with a knife. do not remove the skin.
- add garlic and oil to a small pot and bring to a boil, it takes less then 2 minutes. don’t walk away or let it boil for to long. after it comes to a boil quickly set the stovetop on the lowest setting possible for 20 minutes.
- after 2o minutes, set to the side and let cool.
store in a jar. enjoy with your favorite recipe.