there are days during the summer that i don’t have time to think about dinner.

we tend to move from one project/place to another with incredible speed…

we laugh about our possible super powers, how fast we are, my son times us. my daughter laughs. we can get from here to there rather quickly. he however, he always beats us.

we stop what we are doing around 5 and run home, drop our bags…someone screams out what they want, we all wash our hands and get to work…

picking out veg, fruits, herbs. i send them into the garden to go pick things. anything, we figure it out as we go along.

chopping, cutting, slicing, dicing.

days like these i throw stuff in a bowl and call it dinner. serve it with rice, a roll, a tortilla. it’s our favorite.

simple. easy, and if you bbq the shrimp. whoa.

one bowl shrimp and fruit salad

  • 1/2 pound shrimp cleaned and cooked
  • 1 peach sliced
  • 1 cup watercress
  • 4 figs quartered
  • handful of basil and parsley
  • 6 cherry tomatoes halved
  • a couple of slices of roasted peppers
  • 1 lime juiced
  • 1 tbl oil
  • 1 tbl cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp agave
  • salt and pepper
  1. cut, chop and slice the first 7 ingredients.
  2. add the following 4 and toss with your hands or a spoon.
  3. season with salt and pepper, taste, season or add more of anything to your liking.

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