we…the kids… i have officially lost it. we um i mean the kids i have gone smoothie/juice crazy.

every day it’s something new, fruit, veggies, veggies and fruit…

but now…now we are moving on to the milk (ice cream included) based smoothies.

at first it was like milk, ice, fruit, honey…and then we i moved on. i was inspired. inspired by almond milk.

dates, honey, frozen bananas, thats where it went. a quick blend, a healthy snack, a smoothie we all adored and now our new staple.

banana date smothie

  • 2 cup of milk
  • 1 frozen banana broken up
  • 5 dates
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  1. add all ingredients to a blender and blend.

hey…wait…wait don’t go, i have more (insert smile here). as well as some passover recipes i have a great giveaway coming up from cooking plant (check this)! I like to call it…50 bloggers, 50 chances…26 spices…dum dum dum…catch ya next week.


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