Category:  desserts & breads

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smoothies…bananas + date = mmm

In beverages On March 7, 2013 1 Comment

we…the kids… i have officially lost it. we um i mean the kids i have gone smoothie/juice crazy. every day it’s something new, fruit, veggies, veggies and fruit… but… Read More »


banana coconut flax seed muffins

In breakfast, desserts & breads, muffins On February 12, 2013 2 Comments

i’m obsessed with flax seeds. i’m putting it in everything. bread, pancakes, cookies…muffins. it all started last week. i go through phases. usually someone needs to re-start my… Read More »


homemade sugar doughnut (donut) holes

In chanukah, desserts & breads, holiday meals, Uncategorized On December 11, 2012 3 Comments

it’s hanukah (or chanukah, hannukah, chanuka, chanukkah, channukah, hannuka, hannukkah, channuka). i just realized this is my first (i am going to spell it different ways through out… Read More »


#thanksgiving dessert: chocolate silk pie

In desserts, desserts & breads, holiday meals, thanksgiving On November 17, 2012 3 Comments

weird things happen to me during thanksgiving…you know, when i remember it’s thanksgiving. i become a putz. i drop things, i spill things, it’s actually quite amazing dinner… Read More »


it’s 5 o’clock somewhere: a concord grape spritzer

In beverages, dips, condiments, marinades & dressings On October 15, 2012 0 Comments

it’s 5 o’clock somewhere. that’s what they tell me (wink wink). after a long day…or a long weekend…a drink. sometimes it’s just nice to sit down with one,… Read More »


blueberry cake

In desserts, desserts & breads On July 26, 2012 2 Comments

we went blueberry picking (clears throat). take me on a weekend away and i will find a pick your own whatever. i spot them from miles away. i… Read More »


summer fruit salad with mint and lime

In desserts, desserts & breads, vegetarian On July 17, 2012 0 Comments

one of my favorite things about summer is fruit. peaches, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, plums and apricots of all colors and shapes…i could go on and on. i could,… Read More »


strawberry shortcake trifle

In desserts, desserts & breads On July 9, 2012 0 Comments

summer and baking…no. not me (um, well, baking anytime of year, no). this though, this is something that can be thrown together fast…ish… let’s get serious for a… Read More »


cardamom iced coffee

In beverages, breakfast On June 25, 2012 1 Comment

happy monday…for many of you that means your kids are in camp, for me…it means i have one week left till it starts. one week. one more week… Read More »


simple and easy creme brulee for 4

In desserts, desserts & breads On May 16, 2012 2 Comments

last week was my birthday… i turned 28 again… i got a creme brulee set. i’ve always wanted a blow torch. i’m not joking, except the blow torch… Read More »