Category:  soups & salads

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maple, squash and apple soup

In soup, soups & salads, vegetarian On October 11, 2013 1 Comment

chaos. my life over the past 2 weeks. a loved one moved on, 2 babies were born, and 2nd grade math is kicking my butt. let me give… Read More »

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dumpling squash, pear and ginger soup

In soup, soups & salads On October 2, 2013 2 Comments

soup, for me, has always been one of those foods that has the ability to mend. even if it’s only for a moment. i cook soup when i’m… Read More »

lentil and mixed grain soup

In soup, soups & salads On September 24, 2013 1 Comment

when i was handed 2 packages of soup bones packed full of marrow and juicy meat i almost lost it. i mean…there was drool. i’m pretty sure mary… Read More »


corn chowder

In soup, soups & salads, Uncategorized, vegetarian On August 29, 2013 1 Comment

we love corn here. i wont lie. my kids inhale it. every which way too. on the cob, cut off the cob, in bread, creamed, in salads, in soup…it’s… Read More »


roasted corn, avocado and tomato salad

In salad, soups & salads, vegetarian On August 27, 2013 1 Comment

i was at the cape a week back. with a good friend. with no kids. it was heavenly. spent the first night in recovering from the crazy week… Read More »


peach, tomato, beet and herb salad

In salad, soups & salads, vegetarian On July 30, 2013 2 Comments

i’ve been enjoying the 80 degree days, the 60 degree nights. i’ve been at the pool. i’ve been weeding gardens, i’ve been trying to grow grass… i hung… Read More »


easy kale salad

In salad, soups & salads, vegetarian On July 9, 2013 1 Comment

kale is one of my favorite greens. i toss it with lentils, quinoa, we make chips, and on the occasion cook it in the crock pot. how can you go… Read More »


watermelon gazpacho

In soup, soups & salads, vegetarian On July 5, 2013 1 Comment

it’s just the beginning… watermelon, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, my garden is finally thriving and the farmers market is bustling with great finds. on hot days you crave something… Read More »


snap pea and cucumber salad

In salad, soups & salads On July 1, 2013 1 Comment

i’m getting ready for the 4th are you? it’s one of my favorite holidays. the beach, the fireworks…but the food, oh the food is my favorite. last year… Read More »


beet, nectarine & fennel salad

In salad, soups & salads On June 26, 2013 3 Comments

i’m all about salads right now. i. can’t. help. myself. it’s just that time of year. it’s like a veggie and fruit party in my house, seriously ya’ll…. Read More »